Often it is the most overlooked segment of the supply chain that is the most critical to the success of the entire operation. That is the case for unloading services for wholesale foods. It is understandable that perishables must be sent, unloaded, and arrive as expediently as possible to maintain freshness and to remain saleable goods. For refrigerated loads especially, it is most important that hiring lumper services for refrigerated goods be a major consideration, not an afterthought. Named for the sacks of bulk items that once comprised the items unloaded such as sugar, flour, coffee, and rice, this once menial task has been increasingly upgraded to become one of the most reliable and effective supply chain elements.
Today’s freight unloaders may be OSHA-trained and certified, are managed labor, and utilize technology to improve workflow, efficiency, and accountability. This level of professionalism greatly contributes to remediate a potential chokepoint in the process. Freight handlers are quickly becoming the solution to the supply chain problem- ensuring that refrigerated loads are swiftly and safely removed from trucks, processed and made available to Warehouse Operations staff.
Motor carriers hauling perishables and grocers want quick unloading so that schedules can be met. Top of the list on grocer’s agendas is having the freshest foods available on display at all times. Both parties require assurances that their refrigerated goods will be unloaded, accounted for and handed off with speed and accuracy so there is little is any waste of time and/or perishables so that warehouse operations run smoothly.
Professional third-party unloading services for wholesale foods eliminate what could be, in the hands of unskilled and unsupervised labor, the weakest link in the logistical chain. Today they provide the inbound lumper services for refrigerated goods that protect the quality of the perishables, save time, and therefore offer a net benefit to all supply chain parties.
Express Freight is a well-regarded freight handling firm located on Long Island, New York. The company provides supervised, OSHA-certified professional freight handling services nationwide in over 38 states. As part of their inbound logistics services, Express Freight unloads over a million trucks and containers for the wholesale food industry annually. To learn more call
their offices at (516) 671-0415.