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How to Safely Unload Truck Cargo to Prevent Injury

Lumper Trucking

Transporting trucking loads is fraught with risks. Many potential glitches in this vital stage of the supply chain include highway safety, inventory damage or shrinkage, and personnel injury at the dock. By utilizing lumper trucking specialists, supply chain managers can mitigate risk exposure effectively at the first and last important stage of freight transport- the loading and unloading of goods.

Dock workers or lumper personnel are exposed to many opportunities for accidents at the loading and unloading stage. Heavy or awkward product is an initial personal lifting risk.  Having lumper personnel brush up on lifting and loading techniques at regular intervals is a great step in avoiding injury. By using proper lifting and moving techniques in the workplace helps to prevent accidents which, in turn, keeps liability low.

Avoiding forklift accidents, and loading zone awareness are two important factors considered and prioritized by a professional lumper trucking company.  As always, knowledge is great in preventing accidents.  A good lumper trucking company is constantly refreshing its operators in safe transportation techniques and practices.  Avoiding dock accidents improves morale, ensures schedules are met, and saves money for the entire supply chain operation.

Professional lumper trucking companies know the value of safety at the docks where they operate.  Making safety and efficiency a high priority saves money and ensures all employees work confidently and safely.