When looking for quality freight unloading services in Illinois, it is highly cost effective to outsource unloading trucks and containers at a wholesale food warehouse or food distribution center to the professionals at Express Freight. We handle over a million trailers and containers every year and have the experience and expertise to perform quick, efficient, and safe lumper services. Illinois is a freight hub with Chicago as its epicenter. Whether unloading trucks at the inbound freight house of the Illinois Central, or at the wholesale terminal markets and warehouses throughout the state, depend on Express Freight to be both reliable and dependable, job after job.
Our staff is comprised of local people who have been OSHA-trained and certified. Each team includes a supervisor to maintain quality control and our proprietary, systematic unloading services ensure every job is handled as timely, complete, and as safely as possible. In addition, our team is highly accountable: we capture all load data, including pallets, quantity, and unload times. These metrics assist us to determine both facility throughput and employee productivity. On request we provide our clients with customizable reports reflecting all our activity. Our accuracy, expertise, and attention to detail results in lower operating costs and greater efficiency for this critical component of your supply chain.
Reducing the cost of doing business without sacrificing safety is paramount. With decades of experience in providing superior unloading services, Express Freight’s dedication to our core business- freight unloading services in Illinois, our seasoned team and high performance standards can contribute to controlling, even reducing your overall receiving operation costs.